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Association of Theological Schools (ATS)
Accredited institutions under the umbrella of the Association of Theological Schools offer post-baccalaureate degree programs that train professionals for work in the field of ministry. Many graduates of ATS schools become church leaders and theological researchers. All ATS accredited schools must meet or exceed pre-determined standards and must reside in either the United States or Canada.  

The accrediting council of the Association of Theological Schools is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as a major overseer of quality theological education. Ministry professionals educated in ATS colleges and universities include a great many different branches of the Christian tradition, including protestant, Orthodox and Roman Catholic believe systems. There are also a wide range of doctrinal, and theological perspectives respected and taught within ATS institutions.

In order for a graduate program to be considered as an accreditation candidate, the board members of ATS must review the schools goals and academic integrity. After a school is considered, that institution must go through a self-review process.