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Association of Specialized & Professional Accreditors (ASPA)
Like any large system, there are layers upon layers of organization. In the world of accreditation, there are national organizations governing over regional, and institutional, accrediting agencies. Then there is the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors, which oversees the different agencies doing specialized accrediting. The purpose of this organization is to ensure that educational programs are judged upon the same standardized criteria.  

There are about 50 accrediting agencies governed by the ASPA because of their respected accreditation procedures and standards. The ASPA specifically oversees specialized, or programmatic accreditors, which are the agencies that only look at specific disciplines of study, such as business, veterinary science, writing, or teaching.

The ASPA serves not only as a accrediting agency of accreditors, but it opens up conversation between educational institutions, in a effort to improve the current standards. The association is also the only organization which oversees the integrity of all specialized accrediting agencies for higher education.