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American Optometric Association (AOA)
The American Optometric Association is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a respected provider of academic approval in the field of optometric programs granting the O.D. degree. There are many schools in the United States and Canada accredited by the AOA offering technician, degree and residency programs in the field of optometry. 

The organization serves to maintain high standards in the training of optometry professionals. There are over 34,000 members of the AOA, promoting the quality of education offered through its accredited programs.

Since 1898, the AOA has been holding up and improving upon the education of optometrists, para-optometric assistants and technicians. The accrediting council is careful to set professional standards that help graduates of its programs aid patients in the best way possible. There are 23 accredited programs under the umbrella of the AOA, all providing training that meets the standards of highly qualified professionals involved in the association.