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American Culinary Federation (ACF)
The American Culinary Federation is the proud accreditor of culinary programs in every one of the United States. The commission of accreditation was established in 1986, after the growth of culinary programs in  America was spurting at an accelerated rate. The commission is now recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditaion as a valuable judge of quality culinary education.

The ACF focuses only on accrediting programs of culinary training, rather than whole institutions. The standards it holds its accredited programs up to are created by a board of qualified professionals in the field, who are also leaders in their industry. Only accredited programs, under the umbrella of the ACF are considered quality training routes in the field.

The commission takes it upon themselves to visit and certify each of the schools given their stamp of approval. Each school must meet stringent pre-establish standards to earn the commission's well respected endorsement.