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Council on Education in Journalism & Mass Communications (ACEJMC)
There are 106 programs of journalism accredited by the Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. The council oversees the soundness and quality of the education of mass communications. This discipline includes the professional fields of advertising, newspaper or magazine journalism, radio and television broadcasting, public relations, and photojournalism.  

The ACEJMC accredits only programs, or departments of journalism, rather than the entire institution in which the programs lie. It oversees bachelor`s and master`s degree programs, but does not accredit Ph.D. programs. The council`s hope is to instill a professional integrity within the graduates of its accredited programs.

Journalism, and mass communications, in general, have become much more widely used as the world population has grown and spread to the tips of the globe. Having sound communicators in the field is integral not only to the safety of a country`s internal structure, but also to the world`s communication systems. The ACEJMC works to continually make the field of communication a field that is constantly learning and progressing, to make world communication both honest and efficient.