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American Council on Education (ACE)
Higher education is something many people take for granted today, but it wasn't always like that. Achieving a higher education was once something only an elite few, born into fortunate circumstances, were able to experience. The U.S. higher education system moved this educational trend ahead by leaps and bounds in the 19th and 20th centuries. That's when the framework for the opportunity to become an educated individual started to become evident for the larger population.  

The American Council on Education is a both an institutional accreditor of colleges and universities, and a watchdog of the higher education system. It's goal is to work to create an opportunity for anyone who wants an education to become educated.

In recent years higher education has, again, started to pace toward an elitist institution. Tuition rates are going up and education is, thus, becoming further and further from attainability for many. The ACE is the major body that's working to make sure this trend is reversed. Through its accredited institutions, the goal of ACE is to help school presidents work together open the doors, once again, for all who want a higher education.