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American Council for Construction Education (ACCE)
The American Council for Construction Education is on a mission to spread the skills needed for quality construction technique to be implemented throughout the practice of development. The council sees accreditation as the central place where they can most readily make this happen. The world of construction is  led by regulations implemented by states and counties. Therefore, the ACCE aims to teach a uniform set of practices through its accredited programs, to make the professionalism of the construction business become more and more prevalent.

The ACCEE helps promote its accredited programs by publishing the most current information on the schools offering these programs. The association is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, for its programs awarding bachelor's degrees in construction management, and technology. ACCE also accredits two-year programs in construction, in which people can earn an associate's degree in the field.
The ACCEE is one of the only organizations doing its job. It works hard to maintain and promote the integrity of the construction profession.