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Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE)
The Association for Biblical Higher Education is the result of an over 100 year old educational tradition called the Bible College Movement. Starting in the late nineteenth century Christian missionaries came to North America, which resulted in hundreds, and today thousands, of Christian founded colleges and universities. 

The Association for Biblical Higher education began in 1947, but has its roots in the Bible College Movement. Today there are nearly 100 accredited institutions under the wing of the association in Canada, the United States and related territories. ABHE accredited schools have some similarities to their forebearers. The association still requires its accredited schools to require students to pass a core of biblical and theological studies, along with general studies and professional studies.

Promoting excellence and forging a new mold for Christian education is on the top of ABHE's priority list. Along with undergraduate education, a growing number of the ABHE accredited institutions have been able to establish their own seminaries and graduate divisions, and found their place in the academic research circle.