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Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology (ABET)
ABET is a national accreditation organization that oversees university programs in the subject areas of engineering, applied science, technology, and computing. As a respected accrediting association for the last 70 years, ABET has proven it can uphold strict educational standards. Today, there are over 2,700 programs in over 550 colleges and universities in the country that pass the quality standards of ABET.  

Recognized as a national accrediting agency by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, ABET is made up of 28 professional and technical societies. Beyond accrediting American universities, ABET also helps to lead international agreements such as the Washington Accord and offers education credentials to those students who have earned degrees abroad.

Within the mission of ABET is the leading goal of promoting quality education and innovating new standards. To accomplish these goals, the members of ABET travel the world to assist developing universities. In countries and regions where education is still a working process, ABET helps universities plan for excellence in the engineering and technology fields.