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American Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis (ABAP)
The American Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis, Inc. began its accrediting history in the "Big Apple", in 1997. This non-profit organization oversees the continuing process of training in psychoanalytic institutes. The accreditation process approves of post-graduate programs awarding certificates and diplomas in psychoanalysis.  

All standards and procedures within the training psychoanalysis is discussed and passed by a forum of professionals with years of experience in the field. ABAP is the voice of the science of psychoanalysis both on the national and the regional level, making sure accreditation process of such programs is communicated throughout the academic community.

Beyond the diploma and certificate program accreditation the ABAP does, it also oversees the process of professional development through continuing education. Communication is key for the ABAP. Since the science of psychoanalysis can be very convoluted, the association makes sure professionals and training program leaders are in constant agreement over what is expected as far at training and teaching is concerned within the field.