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American Bar Association (ABA)
The American Bar Association is the governing body over all certifications and schools in the law field in the United States. It functions on the philosophy that schools under its umbrella of accreditation should not only  meet standards, but should seek to exceed the requirements set by the association. The council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar is a programmatic accreditor, focusing only on the portion of a school dealing with law education.

There are 193 law programs approved by the American Bar Association. All but one of these schools offers a J.D. degree, or Juris Doctor Degree. The other one offers a more advanced degree, beyond a J.D. In order to become fully accredited by the Bar Association, a program must first go through provisional approval for two years, which allows the association and the program leaders to make changes needed for accreditation.
Once approved fully, a law school must continue to abide by the rules and regulations of the Bar Association. At all times, a law school is required to advance into newly set requirements as well.