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American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU)
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities is the overarching body looking over the public colleges and universities in the United States. There are over 400 higher education institutions within the shadow of the AASCU's accrediting umbrella. The association's goal is to create and maintain a quality educational system open for all American citizens.  

Public universities and colleges in America help over 55 percent of all the college graduates in the country receive a degree. Without the quality of a public education, the opportunity of education would not be available to most people in the United States. Accreditation ensures that public education meets all the training measures needed to have a fair shake in the employment race.

The AASCU strives to provide an education for those students who traditionally may not have a shot at higher education. It uses its clout to level the playing field both in U.S. education and in the professional realm. The American Association of State Colleges and Universities stands by its motto of "Delivering America's Promise" of equal opportunity.