Sewanee: The University of the SouthSewanee: the University of the South is a private, coeducational liberal arts institution of higher education which is situated in Sewanee, Tennessee. The college provides online Education for Ministry courses, which lead to certification.
Temple Baptist SeminaryTemple Baptist Seminary trains successful pastors, evangelists, missionaries, Christian educators and administrators, youth directors, and other dynamic leaders for the ministry.
Tennessee Technological UniversityTennessee Technological University is a public, coeducational university located in Cookeville, TN. It was founded in 1915 as Tennessee Polytechnic Institute and later its name was changed to Tennessee Technological University.
Tennessee Temple UniversityTennessee Temple University prepares men and women for life through the emphasis on knowledge acquisition, biblical application, skill development, evangelism and Godly living.
The University of MemphisThe University of Memphis eCampus is the virtual environment where teaching and learning are enhanced by emerging technologies. Programs are offered in fully online, partially online and/or technology enhanced formats.
The University of Tennessee-MartinThe University of Tennessee at Martin provides a quality undergraduate education in a traditional collegiate atmosphere characterized at all levels by close relationships among students and faculty.