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The University of Nebraska at Kearney
Established in 1905, The University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK), is one of four campuses of the University of Nebraska that offers a diverse selection of undergraduate, graduate, and pre-professional programs.

University of Nebraska
The University of Nebraska, founded in 1869, is the state's only public university. It exists today to serve Nebraskans through quality teaching, research, outreach and engagement.

University of Nebraska at Omaha
Founded in 1908, University of Nebraska at Omaha is the third-largest institution of higher education in Nebraska committed to placing students first, striving for academic excellence and engaging with the community.

York College of Nebraska
Founded in 1890, York College of Nebraska is a private liberal arts college affiliated with the churches of Christ. The College transforms lives through Christ-centered education and equips students for lifelong service to God, family and society.