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Minnesota State Community & Technical College
Minnesota State Community and Technical College is a multiple-campus institution of higher education providing learning opportunities at four campuses in the state of Minnesota, as well as online Certificates, Diplomas and Associate degree programs.

Minnesota State University Moorhead
Minnesota State University, Moorhead was founded in 1885 as a normal school and received university status in 1975. This University develops knowledge, talent, and skills for a lifetime of learning, service, and citizenship.

Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato is a public four-year institution of higher education providing quality education through the full range of undergraduate and graduate certificates and degrees in a number of academic and career fields.

Minnesota West Community And Technical College
Minnesota West Community and Technical College is a community college in Pipestone, Minnesota, the United States. It was formed in 1997 by the merger of Southwestern Technical College and Worthington Community College.

Northland Community & Technical College
Northland Community and Technical College is a two-year community college with campuses in East Grand Forks and Thief River Falls, Minnesota, USA.

Northwestern College - Minnesota
Northwestern College, a four-year Christian college accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, is located in Roseville, Minnesota, USA. The school was founded in 1902 as Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training School.

NTU School of Engineering and Applied Science at Walden University
National Technological University is a virtual university which was found in 1984. It is ranked as the largest online graduate school for engineers in the nation by U.S. News Online.

Rochester Community And Technical College
Rochester Community and Technical College, located in Rochester, MN offers many programs of study ranging from certificate, diploma, degree, and transfer options.