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The online doctorate provides you with the credentials you need to become an expert in your field without financial and time sacrifices of a traditional Doctor’s degree.

Search through online Doctoral degrees, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Ministry or Doctor of Education degrees to find a satisfying online degree type and area of specialization. Study-Online offers you an opportunity to look through the program options which range from Management, Business Administration, and Public Health to Religious Studies, Social Work and Education.
Online Doctoral degree programs prepare students for advanced work in research, academia, government or non-profit sector. Online Doctor’s degrees offered by USA online universities and colleges cover a variety of study areas and include Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Ministry, and Doctor of Education online degrees.

Online programs leading to the doctoral degree emphasize the conduct of original research, the production of significant research findings and the contribution of such findings to public knowledge through written dissertation or thesis.

Doctorate degree programs aim to give you thorough and comprehensive knowledge of your professional field, as well as training in research methods.
The doctoral degree is the highest academic credential you can earn. The most popular doctorates available online include Psychology, Education, Public Health, Business Administration, Information Systems, Management, Religious Studies, and Criminal Justice.