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Study Online - Online Degrees - Bachelor of Professional Studies    
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A Bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate academic degree, which prepares students either to positions in a number of professional areas or to more advanced study and research. The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are the two main Bachelor degree types.

With Study-Online, you can choose as well other specialized online Bachelor degree types such as the Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Applied Arts, Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Professional Studies and more.
Search through the comprehensive list of various online Bachelor degrees offered online by US online schools and choose your preferred degree type and area of specialization. There exist two main types of Bachelor degree, which are the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.). Other online Bachelor degree types listed in Study online include the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Applied Arts, Bachelor of Professional Studies and more.

Most online Bachelor degree programs comprise general education curriculum, which provides a broad liberal arts and sciences background, and major specialization courses, which aim to give you a professional preparation in your field of education. Bachelor degrees offered either online or on-campus are to provide students with competence in communications, social sciences, humanities and fine arts, analytical reasoning, and computational skills.
The choice of a specific online Bachelor degree program should be determined by your personal and professional goals and preferred field of study. The program concentrations range from Computer Science, Nursing and Criminal Justice to Web Design and Engineering. The most familiar programs are Accounting, Business Administration and MBA, Communications, Leadership, Legal Studies, Management, Psychology and others.