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Power-Glide Spanish
Power-Glide International, Inc. is a Provo, Utah based company that is the leader in foreign language training materials for independent learners and schools. Power-Glide is also a fully accredited foreign language school serving the "foreign language for credit" market. This market includes public, private, and charter schools, homeschool, third-party training companies (private labeled), corporations and individuals. Our products offer a "whole family" solution and are specifically designed to fit children Pre-K through grade 12 and adults.

Spanish Children's Course includes:
 * Spanish Level 1;
* Spanish Level 2;
* Spanish Level 3;
* 8 Audio CDs;
* Jr. CD-ROM;
* Parent's Guide.

Spanish Junior 1 Course includes:
* Workbook;
* 3 Audio CDs.

Spanish Ultimate Year 1 and Year 2 Bundle features:
* 2 years of Spanish;
* 180-day format;
* Academic Guide;
* Assessment tools.

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