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A short course in practical Latin |
Here are two dozen short lessons on learning Latin designed for "mountain men" (and women: montani montanaeque), engineers, philosophers, and anyone else looking for entertainment and with lots of free time by the campfire. The course is quite different from Peter Jones' Learn Latin (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1997), but it is just as devoted to interesting you in Latin. If my course doesn't please, by all means have a look at Jones' book, which is published by, and available at, Barnes and Noble in the US. The Lessons 1. Encouragement and the Plan (Plautus) 2. Verbs and the First Conjugation (Plautus) 3. Nouns and the First Declension (Vulgate) 4. Adjectives and the Second Declension (diploma) 5. Prepositions, Adverbs, and Conjunctions (Juvenal) 6. Review and Pronunciation (Sallust) 7. Third Declension (Terence) 8. This, That, and Who (Vergil) 9. Questions (Vergil) 10. Word Transformations (Cicero) 11. Passive Thoughts (Caesar) 12. Review and Deponents (Cicero) 13. More Nouns (US Money) 14. More Verbs (Horace) 15. Numbers (Caesar) 16. Comparisons (Livy) 17. Ablative Absolute and Some Irregulars (Suetonius) 18. Review and Final Sentences (Cicero) 19. Syntax 20. Professional Latin 21. Carmina Burana 22. Vitruvius 23. Frontinus 24. Vale Atque Ave 25. Index 26. Appendix I: Overview of Verb Conjugation For more information visit |