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Linguaphone Japanese
With over 100 years of experience, we know that anybody who can speak one language has the ability to learn another. Our proven method - Listen, Understand, Speak.- has helped over 7 million people learn a new language in a natural and effective way. From basic phrases through to fluent conversation, you'll be surprised at how quickly a second language becomes second nature.

Japanese InAction (CD-ROM):
 * develop listening skills by slowing down the native speaker to hear the correct pronunciation;
* record and playback facilities allow you to compare your voice to the native speakers;
* interactive games build your vocabulary in a fun and challenging environment;
* word and root search allows you to target your learning;
* interactive video conversations are set in the country itself, so you'll feel like you are having a conversation with people in the place the language is spoken.

Japanese Starter complete course (CD) contains:
* 6 CDs;
* handbook;
* textbook;
* explanatory notes;
* study guide.
The Starter Course is ideal if you want to reach a standard where you will be able to deal with the basic essentials of life when abroad.

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