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BBC French Online |
You can learn a language at your own pace with the Steps online courses. The courses introduce you to simple spoken language for everyday activities such as introducing yourself, finding your way around or ordering meals. Each course is made up of 24 short steps or units you can follow in sequence, or dip into as you please. For beginners: Quick Fix - printable holiday phrases with audio French Steps - a self-contained online course Talk French - a video-based online resouce with activities plus TV series and book The French Experience - a longer course with TV series, book and website. For intermediates: Le Mensuel - an intermediate audio magazine with quizzes - suitable for AS/A2 Accents d'Europe by topic or language focus - audio reports with transcripts Musique et Paroles - clips of songs to practise with The French Experience 2 - a course with TV series, book and website La Vie en Creuse - listen to interviews reflecting rural life in France The French Connection - a look at French language around the world Le Français Cool - an audio guide to French slang French for Work - information and practice for those using French at work Tour de France - diary of the event and essential phrases French Journey - TV transcripts of an all-French version of travel documentary France Inside Out. For more information visit |