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Parlo English |
Parlo Inc. was founded to meet the immense but underserved global demand for language learning: over 1.2 billion people are studying foreign languages today. Our Mission: * to be the world leader in language and cultural e-learning, serving consumers, corporations and institutions; * to help our customers enhance their lives through language and cultural learning; * to assist our partners in achieving their objectives through parlo's sponsorship and business development opportunities. Our online English courses: * Business English Basics Intermediate Low Level ($69) - develop basic communication skills for business; * Business English Immersion 1 Intermediate Level ($69) - build your English skills through business topics; * Business English Immersion 2 Advanced Low Level ($69) - master English skills through more business topics; * Interactive English 1 Beginning High Level ($49) - build a foundation in English through basic skills; * Interactive English 2 Intermediate Low Level ($49) - continue developing your key skills in English; * Interactive English 3 Intermediate High Level ($49) - develop your fluency and comprehension; * Interactive English 4 Advanced Low Level ($49) - achieve a high level of proficiency in English. For more information visit |