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Learn Dutch with free Online language courses
Learn Dutch with free Online language courses, this is a Integral Dutch Course for foreigners. There is grammar description, interpretation and a short text in every lesson. It is quite a good methode for beginners to study.

 All the lessons are with Audios, you can download the mp3 files to practice the pronunciation, speaking and your listening skills:

Lesson 1
1.1 Pronunciation
1.2 Vowels
1.3 Diphthongs and double vowels
1.4 Consonants

Lesson 2
2.1 Definite articles 'the'
2.2 Indefinite articles 'a, an'
2.3 Personal pronouns
2.4 Verb 'to be' - 'zijn'
2.5 Possessive adjectives
2.6 Verb 'to have'
2.7 The question vorm
2.8 Numerals
2.9 New words 2
2.10 The van Dam family

Lesson 3
3.1 Weak verbs
3.2 Tenses of 'to be'
3.3 Tenses of 'to have'
3.4 Inversion of subject and verb
3.5 Not
3.6 New words 3
3.7 Saturday at the van Dam's

Lesson 4
4.1 More weak verbs
4.2 Some common strong verbs
4.3 Adjectives
4.4 Inflection of adjectives
4.5 Numerals
4.6 New words 4
4.7 Shopping

Lesson 5
5.1 Coordinating Conjunctions
5.2 Subordinating Conjunctions
5.3 Verbs expressing motion or change of state.
5.4 New words 5
5.5 A letter from America

Lesson 6
6.1 Modal Verbs
6.2 Objective Form Of Pronouns
6.3 New words 6
6.4 A visit from America

Lesson 7
7.1 Relative Pronouns
7.2 New words 7
7.3 The arrival

Lesson 8
8.1 The time
8.2 Compound verbs
8.3 Er
8.4 New words 8
8.5 Education in The Netherlands

Lesson 9
 9.1 Demonstrative Adjectives
9.2 Prepositional Compounds
9.3 New words 9
9.4 On a trip in The Netherlands

Lesson 10
10.1 Progressive Form
10.2 New words 10
10.3 Something about culture

Lesson 11
11.1 Diminutives
11.2 New words 11
11.3 A healthy spirit in a healthy body

Lesson 12
12.1 Reflexive Verbs
12.2 The Passive Voice
12.3 New words 12
12.4 Mens talk

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