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Learn Dutch |
The Learn Dutch website is a resource for Distance Learners who like to excercise their mind with a difficult-to-learn language. This online Dutch language course is used in 112 countries. Do you want to learn the language Of Hans Brinker, Rembrandt, Erasmus, Spinoza, Vermeer And Of Ernest Claes, Guido Gezelle and Paul Rubens? TeLL me More DUTCH. TeLL me More is the world's leading software for language learning, is valued by users and teachers alike for its speech recognition technology and rich linguistic content. TeLL me More now counts more than 5 million satisfied users worldwide. This package offers 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, and is the perfect solution to learn Dutch. It includes more than 400 hours of learning and 2,000 exercises. You can install Tell me More to receive the explanations (translations, grammar rules, etc.) in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, or Dutch . The packaging and user manual, however, are in English. For more information visit |