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The Church Slavonic E-Tutor
This project has been undertaken with the humble intent of helping those interested in learning Slavonic. It does not purport to be an authoritative resource. As always, it is best to consult one's Spiritual Father or priest before undertaking the study and use of Slavonic in one's prayer life.

The E-Tutor takes a simple approach. Common prayers are displayed in Church Slavonic as they appear in service books with an accompanying audio track broken down into short phrases. Short phrases make it easier to repeat words and hear vocal nuances. The audio track is activated by placing the cursor on a phrase and clicking with the mouse.

The E-Tutor includes the Slavonic Alphabet with English letter equivalents as well as explanations of a few basic rules one must know in order to read it. At this stage the E-Tutor does not provide help with grammar or word definitions.
 Many users will simply want to memorize the prayers rather than learn to read Slavonic. The E-Tutor will make this process much easier since the audio track can be repeated over and over until one masters the prayer. The E-Tutor does not use transliteration to assist in word pronounciation.

User options:
- online version (18$);
- downloadable shareware version (free);
- CD version (28$).

The Church Slavonic E-Tutor Version 3.0 compact disc (available in Windows and Mac Versions) includes:
- texts of all prayers (no abbreviations);
- definitions;
- alphabet;
- grammar help.

- standard audio versions of all prayers playable on any CD player (Windows version only);
- mp3 versions of prayers.

For more information visit