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Professional Development Institute

Professional Development Institute offers courses  that are worth three semester units of graduate-level credit from the University of San Diego. Students registered for a PDI online course with university credit, upon completion receive an official USD transcript with a letter grade for the course.
Flex-time Courses are self-paced and instructor-led. The timeline begins from the day of the registration.
The total cost for the course plus university credit is $305.
Semester Course participation also gives a variety of benefits including:
Courses are instructor-led and entirely online. Coursework does not have to be finished until the semester deadline date.
Flex-time courses include:
Response to Intervention in Reading
Reading Workshop Approach in the Middle Grades
Reading Interventions for Middle Grade Students
Active and Hands-On Science Instruction
Classroom Management Survival Course
Comprehension: The Key to Successful Reading
Comprehension Strategies for Middle and Upper Grades
Content Area Literacy: Nonfiction Books in the K-3 Classroom
Designing and Creating a Virtual Field Trip
Designing and Creating a WebQuest
Developing Phonemic Awareness in Emergent Readers
Differentiated Instruction: One Size Does Not Fit All
Educational Technology 101
Effective Strategies for Emergent and Early Writers
Effective Strategies to Improve Student Writing
Effective Strategies for New Teachers
Expository Writing: Focus on Persuasive Essays
Expository Writing: Focus on Research Reports
Focus on Phonics
The Fundamentals of Teaching English Language Development
Hands-On Learning with Math Manipulatives
How to Manage Your Classroom for Student Success
Improving Your Students' Test Taking Skills
Instructional Approaches for Literacy Development
Instructional Strategies for ELD and SDAIE
Integrating the Internet and Multimedia
Introducing ELD Techniques to Mainstream Teachers
Linking Literacy Assessment to Instruction
Making the Most of the Internet in the Classroom
Managing and Integrating Technology into the SPED Classroom
A New Approach to Spelling Instruction
Positive Discipline: A Powerful Approach to Classroom Management
A Primary Teacher's Guide to Positive Discipline
Putting SDAIE Theory into Practice
Reaching Students Through Character Education
Reading to Learn: Developing Strategic Reading Skills
Six Traits of Writing
Solving Math Word Problems: Strategies Your Students Need
Study Smarter Not Harder: Study Skills for Students
Teaching Real World Math
Teaching Struggling Readers: Identification, Intervention, and Remediation
Teaching Themes Through the Year
Technology-Based Projects
Using Children's Literature in the Classroom
Vocabulary Instruction for Improved Reading Skills
Word Play: Vocabulary Instruction in the Primary Grades
Writer's Workshop in the Elementary Classroom
Young Adult Literature in the Classroom 

Semester Courses include:
Response to Intervention in Reading
Reading Workshop Approach in the Middle Grades
Active and Hands-On Science Instruction
Content Area Literacy: Non-Fiction Books in the K-3 Classroom
Designing and Creating a Science WebQuest
Designing and Creating a Virtual Field Trip
Expository Writing: Focus on Persuasive Writing
Focus on Phonics
Linking Literacy Assessment to Instruction
Reaching Students Through Character Education
Teaching Real World Math
Using the Internet to Enhance Your Social Studies Curriculum
Vocabulary Instruction for Improved Reading Skills
Writer's Workshop in the Elementary Classroom
Young Adult Literature in the Classroom  

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