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Hagerstown Community College |
Graphic Design Certificate Program Earn a certificate in graphic design with a focus on creating intelligent and powerful visual communication. Learn design techniques, visual thinking, concept development, composition, and typography through case studies and hands-on exercises. This is a nine-course Certificate Program, representing twelve to eighteen months of instructor-facilitated learning. Digital Design Certificate Program Earn a certificate in graphic design with a focus on digital media. Explore visual thinking, concept skills, composition, and typography with a focus on new media outlets and applications. This is a nine-course Certificate Program, representing twelve to eighteen months of instructor-facilitated learning. Multimedia Certificate Program Earn a certificate in the latest multimedia technologies and applications. Learn how to use the tools for implementing interactivity in a software or Web environment while achieving clear visual communication. This is a nine-course Certificate Program, representing twelve to eighteen months of instructor-facilitated learning. New Media Marketing Certificate Program Earn a certificate in marketing communications design, with a focus on corporate branding and advertising. You'll also learn how visual communication supports sales and marketing efforts in traditional and new media. This is a nine-course Certificate Program, representing twelve to eighteen months of instructor-facilitated learning. Web Design Certificate Program Earn a certificate in the fast-evolving field of Web design. Through case studies and hands-on exercises, you will develop superior communication and design skills for the Web, learning critical issues in the structure and design of a Web environment. This is a nine-course Certificate Program, representing twelve to eighteen months of instructor-facilitated learning. For more information click here |