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Hebrew College Online
Introduction to Jewish History, Culture and Civilization
3 undergraduate credits or non-credit
This course is designed for students who require preparation for Hebrew College's online MA in Jewish Studies.
The course includes a survey from Roman times to the present: Jewish life in the Land of Israel under the Romans; Jewish-Christian relations; Jews under Islam; Jewish life in medieval Europe; Ashkenazic and Sephardic culture; a thematic overview of Jewish history in modern times in Western and Eastern Europe, the United States (or Anglo Diaspora), and the Land of Israel; the rise of modern Jewish culture, including enlightenment, secularization, Zionism and religious movements. The course will provide a basic, critical overview of Jewish history, culture and civilization, and introduce the primary sources and historiographic controversies surrounding major events, movements, figures and ideas. For more information about how this course can prepare you for graduate Jewish study, please contact Dr. Barry Mesch, [email protected], or 617-559-8613.
Study of Judaism II
Surveying the medieval and modern periods of Jewish history, this course will highlight selected major dynamics in Jewish experience, primarily in the realm of culture and society. Readings include primary and secondary sources for the dual purposes of acquaintance with important literary genres in Jewish culture as well as exposure to important and/or new scholarship in the field. May be taken before Study of Judaism I.

Confronting Modernity, Confronting the Past: Ideologies of Judaism in the 18th and 19th Centuries
This course seeks to examine the intellectual, religious and cultural dimensions of the Jewish confrontation with modernity. Through a careful reading of primary texts, students will encounter various thinkers and movements and their attempts to navigate the continuities and discontinuities of Judaism in the modern era. Focusing on the years between 1780 and the middle of the 19th century, the course will be particularly interested in the ways in which Jews read and reinterpreted their biblical and rabbinic heritage. The course will also consider new ways that Jews viewed their past, especially the emergence of a new historical consciousness and its impact on contemporary Jewish society.

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