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Hagerstown Community College |
Enjoying European Art Online The art and architecture of Europe offers an overwhelming array of choices that is sure to exhaust even the most dedicated art lover. This course will introduce you to the most important works of European art, with a wealth of commentary and interesting historical information. History of Women Writers Learn how women writers from the 12th through the 19th century expressed themselves through literature. You will gain a better understanding of the history of women and women's writing by studying such notable writers as Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, George Eliot, George Sand, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Kate Chopin. This course will immerse you in a warm and supportive academic environment in which you can freely discuss the influences of history on women writers and their works. British History: King Henry VIII and his Six Queens Few English monarchs have obtained the fame that Henry VIII did, both in his own lifetime and in the centuries since his death. His life and those of his queens have been the subject of great interest and speculation and the cause of much scandal in the King's own day. This course, while obligated to touch on the politics of Henry's day, will primarily focus on the private aspects of his life while married to each of his wives. For more information click here |