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Study Online - Online Education, Programs, Online Degrees    
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Canyon College
Psychology of Learning
Educational Psychology
General Psychology
Human Growth and Development
Social Work as a Profession
Developmental Psychology
Professional Ethics
Organizational Psychology
Family Dynamics
Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
Social Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology
Intro to Social Work
Macro Social Work Practice
Social Work Practice with Individuals
Abnormal Psychology
Comparative Psychology
Social Work Practice with Groups
Diagnostic Techniques
Biological Psychology
Psychology of Women
Addictions and Interventions
Crisis Intervention I
Statistics and Research Methods
Intro to Psychotherapy and Counseling
Field Practicum - Counseling
Field Practicum - Psychology
Field Practicum - Social Work
Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
History and Philosophy of Social Work
Social Work Research
Legal Aspects of Forensic Psychological Practice
Writing for Professional Articles  
History of Systems of Psychology
The Mentally Ill & Police
Ethics for Psychologist
Ethics for Counselors
Ethics for Social Workers
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Psychology of Criminal Behavior
Human Development
Human Sexuality
Addiction, Intervention and Treatment
Adolescent Development and Behavior
Research and Evaluation
Cognitive Psychology
Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy I
Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy II
Identification & Management of the Mentally Disordered Offender
Theories of Personality
Career Counseling
Learning Theories
Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychology
Child Therapy
Cinema Therapy
Counseling the Adolescent
Tests and Measurements
Profiling the Offender
Cultural and Ethnic Perspectives
Clinical Social Work
Crisis Intervention II
Epidemiology of Deviant Behavior
Marriage and Family Therapy
Self Care
Child Abuse, Neglect and Intervention
Group Process
Domestic Violence
Advanced Clinical Evaluation
Crisis Counseling and Brief Therapy
Cultural Awareness and Diversity in Social Work Practice
Social Welfare, Social Policy and Social Work
Psychological Assess. I: Intelligence & Cognition
Psychological Assess. II: Projective Techniques
Practice with Geriatrics
Psychological Assess. III: Objective Personality Assessment
Death and Dying
Social Work and Religion
Psychological Evaluation, Consultation, & Testimony
Field Practicum - Counseling
Field Practicum - Psychology
Field Practicum - Social Work

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